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Bibliografia FAR 2017

(a cura di Th. Casadei, A. Di Rosa, S. Scagliarini, Gf. Zanetti, M. Zattoni)

ANDERSON J.M. (et al.). 2016. Autonomous Vehicle Technology: A Guide for Policymakers, Santa Monica (Cal.), Rand Corporation.

ARIEFF A. 2016. Driving Sideways, in «The New York Times», 23 luglio 2016, disponibile in: https://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/07/23/driving-sideways/ (consultato il 24/01/2018).

BERTOLINI A. 2013. Robot as Products: The Case for a Realistic Analysis of Robotic Applications and Liability Rules, in «Law, Innovation and Technology», 2, 2013, 214 ss.

BLANCO M. (et. al.). 2016. Automated Vehicle Crash Rate Comparison Using Naturalistic Data, Final Report from the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, gennaio 2016, I-77, disponibile in: http://www.vtti.vt.edu/PDFs/Automated%20Vehicle%20Crash%20Rate%20Comparison%20Using%20Naturalistic%20Data_Final%20Report_20160107.pdf (consultato il 24/01/2018).

BOEGLIN J. 2015. The Costs Of Self-Driving Cars: Reconciling Freedom And Privacy With Tort Liability In Autonomous Vehicle Regulation, in «Yale Journal of Law And Technology», 17, 2015, 171 ss.

BONAVENTURA S. 2017. Guida autonoma e intelligenza artificiale, ecco le tappe, in «Repubblica.it», 18 maggio 2017, disponibile in: http://www.repubblica.it/motori/sezioni/attualita/2017/05/18/news/guida_autonoma_entro_5_anni_con_cloud_cognitivo_e_intelligenza_artificiale-165726657/, (consultato il 24/01/2018).

BRODSKY J.S. 2016. Autonomous Vehicle Regulation: How an Uncertain Legal Landscape May Hit the Brakes On Self-Driving Cars, in «Berkeley Technology Law Journal», 31, 2016, 851 ss.

BUTTI L. 2016. Auto a guida autonoma: sviluppo tecnologico, aspetti legali ed etici, impatto ambientale, in «Rivista giuridica dell’ambiente», 3/4, 2016, 435 ss.

CALO R. 2015. Robotics and the Lessons of Cyberlaw, in «California Law Review», 103, 2015, 513 ss.

CHENEY P. 2017. How self-driving cars will ease traffic congestion, in «The Globe and Mail» (online), aggiornato il 25 marzo 2017, disponibile in: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-drive/culture/commuting/how-self-driving-cars-will-ease-traffic-congestion/article15876882/ (consultato il 24/01/2018).

COLLINGWOOD, L. 2017. Privacy Implications and Liability Issues of Autonomous Vehicles, in «Information & Communication Technology Law», 26, 1, 2017, 32 ss.

COSTANTINI F., MONTESSORO P.L. 2016. Il problema della sicurezza tra informatica e diritto: una prospettiva emergente dalle “Smart Cars”, in «Informatica e diritto», 42, 25, 2016, 95 ss.

DAVOLA A., PARDOLESI R. 2017. In viaggio col robot: verso nuovi orizzonti della r.c. auto (“driverless”)?, in «Danno e responsabilità», 5, 2017, 616 ss.

DUFFY S., HOPKINS J. 2013. Sit, Stay, Drive: The Future of Autonomous Car Liability, in «SMU Science and Technology Law Review», 16, 2013, 101 ss.

EASTERBROOK F. 1996. Cyberspace and the Law of the Horse, in «The University of Chicago Legal Forum», 216, 1996, 207 ss.

FAGNANT D.J., KOCKELMAN K. 2015. Preparing A Nation for Autonomous Vehichles: opportunities, barriers and policy recommendations, in «Transportation Research», 77, 2015, 167 ss.

GARZA A.P. 2012. «Look Ma, No Hands!»: Wrinkles and Wrecks in the Age of Autonomous Vehicles, in «New England Law Review», 46, 2012, 581 ss.

GILBERT F., ZALLONE R. 2016. Connected Cars. Recent Legal Developments, disponibile in: http://robots.law.miami.edu/2016/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/GILBERT-ZALLONE-Connected-Cars-REVISED_2016-03-29.pdf (consultato il 24/01/2018).

GLANCY D. 2012. Privacy in Autonomous Vehicles, in «Santa Clara Law Review», 52, 2012, 1171 ss.

GOODRICH J. 2013-2014. Driving Miss Daisy: An Autonomous Chauffeur System, in «Houston Law Review», 265, 2013-2014, 265 ss.

GRAHAM K. 2012. Of Frightened Horses and Autonomous Vehicles: Tort Law and Its Assimilation of Inventions, in «Santa Clara Law Review», 51, 2012, 101 ss.

GRAHAM R. 2015. Getting a Handle on Driverless Cars, in «Solicitors Journal», Personal Injury Focus, 159, 2015, 13 ss.

GUASTINI R. 1988. Teoria e dogmatica delle fonti, Milano, Giuffrè.

GURNEY J. 2013. Sue My Car Not Me: Products Liability and Accidents Involving Autonomous Vehicles, in «Journal of Law, Technology & Policy», 247, 2013, 247 ss.

HAMISH JAMSON A. (et al.). 2013. Behavioural changes in drivers experiencing highly-automated vehicle control in varying traffic conditions, in «Transportation Research Part C», 30, 2013, 116 ss.

HARRISON A., RAGLAND D.R. 2003. Consequences of Driving Reduction or Cessation for Older Adults, in «Transportation Research Record», 1, 2003, 96 ss.

KOOPS B.J., PIRNI A. 2013. Ethical and Legal Aspects of Enhancing Human Capabilities through Robotics. Preliminary Considerations, in «Law, Innovation and Technology», 5, 2, 2013, 141 ss.

LEDERMAN J., GARRETT M., TAYLOR B.  2016. Fault-y Reasoning: Navigating the Liability Terrain in Intelligent Transportation Systems, in «Public Works Management & Policy», 21, 2016, 5 ss.

LEE T. 2013. Self-Driving Cars Are a Privacy Nightmare. And It’s Totally Worth It, in «Washington Post», 21 maggio 2013.

LOSANO M.G. 2017. Il progetto di legge tedesco sull’auto a guida automatizzata, in «Diritto dell’Informazione e dell’Informatica», 1, 2017, 1 ss.

LUTZ L.S. 2016. Automated Vehicles in the EU: Proposals to Amend the Type Approval Framework and Regulation of Driver Conduct, marzo 2016, disponibile in: http://www.genre.com/knowledge/publications/cmint16-1-en.html (consultato il 24/01/2018).

MERAT N. (et al.). 2014. Transition to manual; Driver behaviour when resuming control from a highly automated vehicle, in «Transportation Research Part F», 2014, 274 ss.

PAGE F.D., KRAYEM N.M. 2017. Are You Ready for Self-Driving Vehicles?, in «Intellectual Property & Technology Law Journal», 29, 4, 2017, 14 ss.

POST D. 2009. In Search of Jefferson’s Moose: Notes on the State of Cyberspace, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

RANGER S. 2016. Ford: Self-Driving Cars Are Five Years Away From Changing the World, ZDNet, 11 maggio 2016, disponibile in: http://www.zdnet.com/article/ford-self-driving-cars-are-five-years-away-from-changing-the-world/ (consultato il 24/01/2019).

RODOTÀ S. 1997. Tecnopolitica. La democrazia e le nuove tecnologie della comunicazione, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1997.
– 2012. Il diritto di avere diritti, Roma-Bari, Laterza.

ROSENBLOOM S. 2001. Driving Cessation Among Older People: When Does It Happen and What Impact Does It Have?, in «Transportation Research Record», 1779, 2001, 93 ss.
– 2012. The Travel and Mobility Needs of Older People Now and in the Future, in J.F. COUGHLIN, L.A. D’AMBROSIO (eds.), Aging America and Transportation: Personal Choices and Public Policy, New York, Springer, 2012, 39 ss.

ROSENZWEIG  J., BARTL M. 2015. A Review and Analysis of Literature on Autonomous Driving, in «The Making of Innovation» (online), 2015, 1 ss.

SCAGLIARINI S. 2017. Il tema della privacy: virtù e vizi della cultura giuridica, in «Ars Interpretandi», 1, 2017, 49 ss. 
–  2013. La riservatezza e i suoi limiti. Sul bilanciamento di un diritto preso troppo sul serio, Roma, Aracne, 2013.

SCHROLL C. 2015. Splitting the Bill: Creating a National Car Insurance Fund to Pay for Accidents in Autonomous Vehicles in «Northwestern University Law Review», 109, 2015, 803 ss.

SHAHEEN S.A., LIPMAN T.E. 2007. Reducing Greenhouse Emissions and Fuel Consumption, in «ITSS Research», 31, 6, 2007, 6 ss.

SMITH B.W. 2013. Human error as a cause for vehicle crashes, Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School, 18 November 2013, disponibile in: http://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/blog/2013/12/human-error-cause-vehicle-crashes (consultato il 24/01/2018).
– 2014. Automated Vehicles Are Probably Legal in the US, in «Texas A&M Law Review», 1, 2014, 411 ss.
– 2017a. How Governments Can Promote Automated Driving, in «New Mexico Law Review», 47, 1, 2017, 99 ss.
– 2017b. Automated Driving and Product Liability, in «Michigan State Law Review», 1, 2017, 1 ss.

STABILI D., MARCHETTI M., COLAJANNI M. 2017. Detecting Attacks to Internal Vehicle Networks Through Hamming Distance, Proceedings of the IEEE 2017 AEIT International Annual Conference – Infrastructures for Energy and ICT (AEIT 2017), Cagliari, Settembre 2017.

SWANSON A. 2014. «Somebody Grab the Wheel!»: State Autonomous Vehicle Legislation and the Road to a National Regime, in «Marquette Law Review», 97, 2014, 1087 ss.

THOMAS P. 2014. Driverless vehicles: from technology to policy, PACTS Conference svoltasi al Thatcham Research Centre (UK) il 22 ottobre 2014, disponibile in: http://www.pacts.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/Pete-Thomas-Conference-Report.pdf (consultato il 24/01/2018).

VAN DEN BOOM F. 2017. If Autonomous Cars Could Talk, in «Privacy Laws & Business International», 135, 2017, 17 ss.

VECERE L. 2016. Connecting Car e Autonomous Vehicle. Il fenomeno dell’evoluzione del diritto come conseguenza del cambiamento e dell’innovazione tecnologica, in «Rivista Giuridica della Circolazione e dei Trasporti» (online), 2016, disponibile in: http://www.rivistagiuridica.aci.it/documento/connecting-car-e-autonomous-vehicle.html (consultato il 24/01/2018).

VILLASENOR J. 2014. Products Liability and Driverless Cars. Issues and Guiding Principles for Legislation, disponibile in: https://www.brookings.edu/research/products-liability-and-driverless-cars-issues-and-guiding-principles-for-legislation/ (consultato il 24/01/2018).

WEST D.M. 2016. Moving forward: Self-driving vehicles in China, Europe, Japan, Korea, and the United States, report del Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings, 2016, 1-24, disponibile in: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/driverless-cars-3-ed.pdf (consultato il 24/01/2019).

WEYER J., FINK R.D., ADELT F. 2015. Human-machine cooperation in smart cars. An empirical investigation of the loss-of-control thesis, in «Safety Science», 72, 2015, 199 ss.

YEOMANS G. 2014.  Autonomous Vehicles. Handing Over Control: opportunities and risks for insurance, 2014, disponibile in: https://www.lloyds.com/news-and-risk-insight/risk-reports/library/technology/autonomous-vehicles (consultato il 24/01/2018).